ASTM D 5 - ISO EN 1426 - IP 49 - DIN 52010 & D 217 - ISO 2137 - IP 50 - DIN
51580 & D 937 - IP 179 - DIN 51579 & D 1321 - ISO 3992 - DIN 51579
& D 1403- ISO 6298 - IP 310.
Built-in user friendly software
Full auto approach on conductive products & hard bitumen (in option)
4 programmable reference positions for cone holder assembly
Stepper motor for penetration depth as low as 0.01 mm
Programmable Penetration time between 0 and 999 min
Temperature measurement: -10 to 150°C
Range : 0 to 75 mm
Results : in 1/10mm on full range
Range : 0 to 75 mm
Displayed resolution: in 1/100 mm
Position recall for routine tests can be set
Optoelectronic detection of depth penetration
Optional automatic level detection for bitumen
Three last tests displayed with calculated average
Connection: 2 USB ports – 1 for printer or keyboard and 1 for PC
Adjustable led lamp and magnifying glass
Holder for accessories, magnifying lens and low voltage illuminator, centering guide with screw and nut, power cord, set of 2 fuses, RS232C output, accessories for automatic level detection for conductive samples comprising probe cable, mini grip & test probe and instruction manual.
REF 9417341 Light bulb for ref. 941734
REF 9417342 Flexible light for ref.941734
REF 9417343 Magnifying glass for ref. 941734
REF 4873465 CD-rom with PC application + USB cable - for NPN TECH
REF 0195200004 Transfer bath, made of stainless steel with coil
To be connected to a water bath
REF 0195200005 Transfer bath support made of stainless steel
REF 22246 Cryostat -30…+150°C : 0,03°C, with depth of 200mm
REF 941732 Calibration kit for automatic penetrometer
REF 9417371 Bitumen automatic level detection device
REF 11504 ASTM thermometer (17 C), + 19 to 27°C
REF 11532 ASTM thermometer (63 C), - 8to + 32°C
REF 11533 ASTM thermometer (64 C), +25 to + 65°C
REF 518063 Standard needle 2.5 g (up to 350 units)
REF 941737 Needle holder 47.5 g (1 supplier with main equipment)
REF 941810 Outfit for penetration of bituminous material, comprising: needle, holder,
50 g weight and 2 containers
REF 941812 Additional weight 100 g
REF 941815 Additional weight 50 g
REF 9418140 Long needle 2.5 g (up to 500 units)
REF 21712 Pack of 300 Sample containers only one use, 55x35 mm
REF 518066 Aluminium container, 55 X 35 mm,
REF 9418181 Aluminium container, 55x70 mm (>200 units)
REF 9418191 Aluminium container, 55x57 mm (up to 500 units)
REF 21932 Standard needle 2.5 g (up to 350 units) with UKAS Certificate
ACCESSORIES (for lubricating greases - ASTM D 217)
REF 941739 Grease cutter with blade
REF 941736 Outfit for consistency of lubricating grease comprising : 1 cone 102.5 g, 1
holder and 1 container 76x63 mm
REF 941737 Cone holder , nickel-plated brass, movable, 47.5 g
REF 941738 Standard cone 102.5 g
REF 9417411 Sample container, 76x63 mm
REF 27322 Spatula 30x200 mm

REF 9417582 GWM CLASSIC- Compact twin-unit automatic grease
worker - using electronic counter to control the strokes number. Delivered in standard with 2 plunger plates 51 holes + 2 covers + 2 Shaft and Handle
+ 2 Vent Cocks.
For use on AC 400 V, three-phase, 50 Hz, 16 A, 400x260x500 mm (±29 kg)
ACCESSORIES (for consistency of petroleum - ASTM D 937)
REF 941735 Outfit for consistency of petroleum, comprising : cone, container and holder
REF 941737 Cone holder , nickel-plated brass, movable, 47.5 g
REF 941738 Standard cone 102.5 g
REF 9417412 Sample container 100 x 65 mm with cover
REF 518063 Standard needle 2.5 g (up to 350 units)
REF 518081 Needle with shoulder 2.5 g, stainless steel
ACCESSORIES (for consistency of petroleum waxes - ASTM D 1321)
REF 941811 Outfit for consistency of petroleum waxes comprising : shouldered needle,
container, weight &
REF 941816 Needle with shoulder 2.5 g, stainless steel
REF 941737 Cone holder, nickel-plated brass, movable, 47.5 g holder
REF 941815 Additional weight 50 g
REF 941820 Sample container with base plate
REF 21932 Needle 2,5g with certificate
ACCESSORIES (Penetration tests using one-quarter or one-half
scale cone equipment - ASTM D 1403)
REF 941742 1/4 scale cone (9.38 g)
REF 941743 1/2 scale cone (37.5 g)
REF 27322 Spatula 30 x 200 mm
REF 9417421 1/4 scale grease worker (manual operation)
REF 9417431 1/2 scale grease worker (manual operation)
REF 942734
NPN TECH For use on AC 230 V, 50 Hz - 1 A
(W) 260x (D) 320x(H) 540 mm (± 23 kg)
See also:
Manual Penetrometer