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Aggregates Index

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -


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Accelerated Polishing Machine BS 812

Aggregate Abrasion Value AAV (Dorry) BS 812

Aggregate Crushing Value ACV/TCV BS 812

Aggregate Filler-Bitumen Compatibility Schulze-Breuer and Ruck Test Machine

Aggregate - Resistance to wear.Micro-Deval Machine - Determination of Resistance to Wear EN 1097

Anvil, Calibration

Augers, Prospecting Kit Manual Dutch Head ToolsA P>


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Balances Analytical, Dial, Electronic, Solution, Triple Beam


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Calcium Carbide

Calibration Anvil

Colour Chart

Compression Frame Stability Tester Footemeter

Concrete - Cutting and Grinding Saws - Masonry and rock cutting

Concrete Mixer

Cutting and Grinding Saws - Masonry and rock cutting


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Deval (Micro-) Machine - Determination of Resistance to Wear - aggregates EN 1097


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Extruders Hoek, CBR, Proctor


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Field Scale

Floor Friction Tester TORTUS II

Friction Tester Floor Friction Tester TORTUS II

Friction tester GripTester surface , skid resistance tester

Friction Tester Portable Skid Resistance Tester


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GripTester surface friction tester, skid resistance tester


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Hand boring and sampling tools

Hardness set, Mohrs scale


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Impact soil tester Clegg

Infra Red Drying cabinet

In-sito CBR

IP Thermometers


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Laboratory Ovens

Lids and receivers

Los Angeles Abrasion Machine


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Mackintosh Prospecting Kit - Tension Tester - Medium Duty

Material Pan

Max-Min Thermometer

Measures, Unit Weight

Moisture Tester Speedy

Micro-Deval Machine - Determination of Resistance to Wear EN 1097

Microwave ovens, industrial

Mixer, Automatic, manual, 5 or 10 litres

Mohs' scale of hardness

Moisture Tester Speedy


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Asphalt Tester Nottingham Asphalt Tester NAT ITSM RLA and ITFT

N.P.L. Load Column

Needles, Penetration and Vicat


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Orbital Shaker

Organic Impurities Test Set

Ovens, fan, large capacity, loss on heating, Rolling thin film


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Pans, Sieve


pH Meter

Platform Scales

Pocket Penetrometer

Polished Stone Value - BS812

Prospecting Kit for Heterogeneous Soils - Mackintosh


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Reagent Speedy

Reciprocal shaker <

Rock core drill, trimmer


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Sand Patch Method for Surface Texture Depth BS 598 Part 105 ASTM E965

Saws - Masonry and rock cutting

Schmidt Concrete Test Hammers

Schulze-Breuer and Ruck Test Machine

Shakers, Sieve

Sieve Brushes

Sieve Shaker

Sieves, ASTM etc stainless steel frame and mesh at "brass" prices

Skid Resistance tester GripTester surface friction tester

Portable Skid Resistance Tester Pendulum Type

Slurry Seal Test Equipment Cohesion Tester

Slurry Seal Test Equipment Loaded Wheel Tester (LWT125)

Slurry Seal Test Equipment Wet Track Abrasion Tester WTAT

Soil Augers - Hand Auger for Hetergenous soils

Soil Auger heads, chemical tests,colour chart, Compaction Hammer

Speedy Calibration Kit
Speedy Moisture Reagent

Speedy Moisture Tester

Surface Texture Depth Sand Patch Method for BS 598 Part 105 ASTM E965


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Testing anvil for concrete hammer

Temperature Thermometers, ASTM, BS593, Dial, Digital, IP, Saybolt

Test Hammers Schmidt Concrete

Timing devices

TORTUS II Floor Friction Tester

Triple Beam Balance


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Ultrasonic cleaning bath


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Vacuum Pumps

Vibrating Table


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Water Bath

Weight Sets, Calibrated, individual and boxed sets

Wet Track Abrasion Tester WTAT Slurry Seal Test Equipment

Wet Washing Sieves


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XY/t chart recorder



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Mastrad Limited, Victory House, Douglas, United Kingdom IM1 1EQ
Telephone: +44 1624 679630 Fax: +44 1624 679631

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