The sample container, made of stainless steel, is fully insulated with asbestos free light fibre. It must be filled up with approximately 18 litres of distilled water.
The trolley, supporting the three specimens, is hanged on a guide bar and is smoothly moved by a stepping motor alongside a feed balls screwbar without vibration. Both are installed in a separate compartment outside of the sample container to avoid any water induced corrosion. The speed can be adjusted and digitally displayed on the control panel from 1 to 99 mm/min by 0.1 mm step. Two milk glass panels are laid on the bottom of sample container to help visibility of break point. The machine must be stopped at break point and resulting elongation length is digitally read on the control panel to the nearest 1mm.
The maximum elongation length is 1000mm. Water temperature control is achieved using existing cooling coil installed on sample container bottom connected to external optional liquid cooling and circulating thermostatic bath. Sample temperature can be adjusted at any value between 4°C and 90°C according to optional bath performances
The machine is supplied complete with a set of 3 moulds and 3 surface plates for mould assembly as described in the standard
Three samples may be tested simultaneously
100 or 150 cm pull length
Thermostatisation coil
Programmable speed and digital display of measurement
See also: