The Guelph Permeameter is used to obtain accurate measurements of hydraulic conductivity, soil sorbtivity and soil matrix flux potential. These three factors govern how liquid move through an unsaturated soil profile.Recent significant advances in both the theoretical and the practical techniques of measuring the soil hydraulic conductivity have been made by the University of Guelph. This has resulted in the development of the Guelph Permeameter uitlizing the Constant Head Well Principle. This lightweight instrument is portable, reliable and simple to use. Depending on the soil type, accurate results can be obtained in 1 to 2 hours using only 2.5 litres of water. SPECIFICATIONSSupplied as kit complete with:
- Field Tripod
- Well Auger
- Well Tripod
- Preparation Tool
- Hand Pump
- Collapsible Water COntainer
- Instructions
- Carrying Case
- Permeameter: High Impact Polycarbonate
- Auger: 2inch (50.8 mm) diameter; machined steel
- Test Time: ½ - 2 hours
- Test Depth: 15 to 75 cm (0.5 to 2.5 ft)
- Hydraulic Conductivity Range: 10 to the power of -4 to -10 to the power of 8 m/sec (10 to-2 to 10 -6 cm/sec)
- Weight: 13.6 kg (301bs)
Accessories and Spares
- Air Tube Coupling (Pack of 5)
- Guelph Permeameter Extension Kit: (Support Tube, with coupling and air tube extension with coupling. Extends the depth to 800mm)
- Mud Auger - 50mm diameter
- Sand Auger - 50mm diameter
- Auger extension - 1200mm long with coupling
- Well Head Scale provides easy selection of an infinite number of precision Well Head Heights
- Flexible, resilient moulded baseand reservoir caps ensure trouble-free water tight fit for quick on-site assembly
- High Impact Polycarbonate reservoir and body tubes, provide clear, unbreakable elements.
- Inner reservoir tube is scaled in precise mm graduations aasuring accurate measurement of flow values
- Two-way valve controls dual reservoir water supply for investigating low permeability in clay soils or high permeability in course silts and sands
- Precision air inlet tip stabilises air entry, eliminating well head fluctuations
- Ribbed Well outlet fitting provides efficient water filling of well heights without destructive turbulence or overfill
- Reservoir Design
- Landfill Site Monitoring
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Hydrological Investigation and Drainage Design
- Soil Erosion Studies
- Soil Classification