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Semi-Micro and Micro FISCHER-Columns HMS 300, HMS 500, HMS 1000, MMS 155 and MMS 255 for the gentle and highly efficient separation by distillation.

Semi-Micro and Micro FISCHER-Columns

HMS 300, HMS 500, HMS 1000, MMS 155 and MMS 255 for the gentle and highly efficient separation by distillation.

Our columns allow for highest separation efficiency and lowest flask pressure compared to all other known types of distillation columns, with flask pressures as low as 0,01 mbar.

Different models allow for optimum adjustment to the particular separation problems and charge quantities.

All parts coming into contact with the distillation product are made of borosilicate glass or quartz (alternative PTFE or stainless steel).

Spherical joints are grease-free.

Minimum cleaning and maintenance requirements.