The principle of the method is the following:
A test chamber of 15 ml is maintained at 0,1 KPa and 37,8°C.
When these conditions are respected, a 3 ml sample at 0 °C is introduced into the test chamber with an automated syringe located in the sample container. Under temperature action, a volume of the liquid sample becomes gaseous. This change modifies the absolute pressure of the test chamber. riseWhen the thermal equilibrium is reached, the resulting rise in pressure in the chamber is measured.
The sample is maintained at 0°C before injection
Air saturation
Automatic inject of 3 ml sample into the test chamber
Measurement of the vapour pressure
The OIL LAB 700 analyser allows the automatic determination of vapour pressure, the sample flasks are maintained at 0°C in an external bath and a sample is automatically taken in order to avoid any transfer. Microprocessor-controlled test equipped with various cards electrical interface OIL LAB 50 which can drive up to 5 other testers.