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Cement and Concrete Index

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -


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Air Indicator

Air Permeability, Blaine

Air Entrainment Meter

Anvil, Calibration

Automatic Compression Machines

Automatic Penetrometer

Automatic Vicat - Single Position and Four Position


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Balances Analytical, Dial, Electronic, Solution, Triple Beam

Ball Penetration Apparatus

Bath, Circulating, Constant Temperature, Ultrasonic Cleaning

Beam Molds

Blain Air Permeability Tester

BRE Screed Tester measures soundness of newly laid floors

Breaking Heads, Concrete

Briquette mould


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Calcium Carbide

Calibration Anvil

Calibration load cells, load columns

Calibration Weights

Calipers digital, vernier


CAPO Test Preparation Kit

Capping collars, frame etc

Capping Compound Melting Pots

Cement Cube Mold

Chart Paper, Recording Thermometers

Circulating Pump

Circulating Water Bath

Compound, Capping

Compound Ladle

Compound Melting Pots

Compression Frame Stability Tester Footemeter

Compression Testing Machines

Compressor Air

Concrete Air Indicator

Concrete Analysis of freshly mixed

Concrete Beam Mold

Concrete core sample grinder

Concrete - Cutting and Grinding Saws - Masonry and rock cutting

Concrete Cylinder Wrap

Concrete - Foamed Pogo Test Penetration Test

Concrete Half Cell Testing

Concrete Mixer

Concrete Permeability Tester for designed br BCA

Concrete Pull off Test

Concrete Pullout Test

Concrete Pulse velocity Pundit ultrasonic Tester

Concrete Test Hammers Schmidt
Concrete Testers

Concrete Thermometers

Concrete Vibrator

Cone Slump

Cone Penetrometer

Conical Mold

Core Drill and bits



Crack Detection Microscope

Crack measurement gauge digital

Cube Molds

Cube Test Sand

Cutting and Grinding Saws - Masonry and rock cutting

Cutting Edge

Cylinder speciman capping


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De-aired water apparatus

De-ionised water apparatus

DEMEC Mechanical Strain Gauge

Deval (Micro-) Machine - Determination of Resistance to Wear - aggregates EN 1097

Dial gauge

Dial Thermometers

Dial-O-Gram Balance

Digital pH meter

Digital Platform Scales

Digital Pocket Thermometer

Distilled water still

Drill concrete core P>Drying Ovens infra-red, oven, shrinkage and moisture movement


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Entrainment Meter Air

Extensometer, Plaster


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Filter Paper

Filter Screen

Flask, Le Chatelier

Flask shaker

Flexural and transverse machines

Floor Friction Tester TORTUS II

Flow Cone

Flow Tables

Footemeter - Compression Frame Stability Tester

Friction Tester Floor Friction Tester TORTUS II

Friction tester GripTester surface , skid resistance tester

Friction Tester Portable Skid Resistance Tester

Furnace muffle


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Gauge dial

Glass Thermometers


Graduated Cylinders

Grinder Concrete core sample grinder

GripTester surface friction tester, skid resistance tester


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Hammers Schmidt Concrete Test Hammers

Harvard minature compaction apparatus

Heater, Curing Tank

Hot Plates

Hydraulic Testing Screen


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Infra Red Drying cabinet

IP Thermometers


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Jack hydraulic

Jarring link sliding hammers


[back to the top]

Knife, Trimming


[back to the top]

Laboratory Ovens


Le Chatelier Flask

Lids and receivers

Load Calibration devices

Load Cell systems

Load Column NPL

Load Ring Integral or clamped boss

Los Angeles Abrasion Machine


[back to the top]

Material Pan

Max-Min Thermometer

Measures, Unit Weight

Melting Pots

Moisture Tester Speedy

Micro-Deval Machine - Determination of Resistance to Wear EN 1097

Microscope for Crack Detection

Microwave ovens, industrial

Mixer, Automatic, manual, 5 or 10 litres

Mixer, cement

Mohs' scale of hardness

Moisture Tester Speedy

Mossbauer Spectrometers

Mould Extractor

Mould Holder, Compaction

Mould Stripper

Moulds, Beam

Moulds, Compaction

Moulds, Cube

Moulds, Cylinder

Moulds, Prism

Moulds, Proctor, shrinkage, three-gang, two-gang, Vicat

Moulds, Steel

Mortar, Bremortest kit analysis kit for cement and lime content.

Muffle Furnace


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N.P.L. Load Column

Needles, Penetration and Vicat


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Orbital Shaker

Ovens, fan, large capacity, loss on heating, Rolling thin film


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Pans, Sieve


Paper filter

Penetrometer, concrete, Soils, pocket, Vicksberg

Permeability Tester for concrete designed br BCA

Permeability Tester - Torrent

pH Meter

Platform Scales

Pogo Test Penetration Test for foamed concrete

Pot melting pot

Prism mould

Probe, Windsor

Protovale Cover Meters, Rebar Locators, Pipe and cable locators

Proving rings


Pumps, Vacuum

Pundit PL-200 - Pulse velocity Measurement ultrasonic Tester

Pundit Lab - Pulse velocity Measurement ultrasonic Tester



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RAM Rapid Analysis Machine for Fresh Concrete

Reagent Speedy

Rebar Locators Protovale

Reciprocal shaker

Resistivity meter, soils and concrete

Resonant frequency tester, ERUDITE, for concrete

Rod comparator


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Saws - Masonry and rock cutting

Saybolt viscometer

Schmidt Concrete Test Hammers

Screed Tester (BRE) measures soundness of newly laid floors

Shakers, Sieve

Sieve Brushes

Sieve Shaker

Sieves, ASTM etc stainless steel frame and mesh at "brass" prices

Slump Cone

Slump Cone K-

Solution Balance


Speedy Calibration Kit

Speedy Moisture Reagent

Speedy Moisture Tester

Still, Manesty, solvent recovery

Stirrers and shakers

Strain Gauge - DEMEC Mechanical

Strain gauges, Vibrating Wire


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Table, Flow

Table, Vibrating

Tamper, Cube Mold

Tamping Rod, Slump Cone

Tanks, Accelerated Curing, curing, soaking

Testing anvil for concrete hammer

Temperature Thermometers, ASTM, BS593, Dial, Digital, IP, Saybolt

Test Hammers Schmidt Concrete

Timing devices

Torrent Permeability Tester

TORTUS II Floor Friction Tester

Triple Beam Balance


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Ultrasonic cleaning bath

Ultrasonic - Pundit PL-200 Pulse velocity Measurement ultrasonic Tester

Ultrasonic - Pundit Lab - Pulse velocity Measurement ultrasonic Tester

Universal Flexural Attachment


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Vacuum Pumps

Vernier Calipers, MCA

Vibrating Table

Vibrator, Concrete Vicat Automatic - Single Position and Four Position

Vicat Apparatus, standard manual version


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Water Bath

Weight Sets, Calibrated, individual and boxed sets

Wet Track Abrasion Tester WTAT Slurry Seal Test Equipment

Wet Washing Sieves

Windsor Probe


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XY/t chart recorder


Young's Modulus of Elasticity


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Mastrad Limited, Victory House, Prospect Hill, Douglas, United Kingdom IM1 1EQ
Telephone: +44 1624 679630 Fax: +44 1624 679631

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