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Soil Index

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -


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Air Indicator

Air Permeability, Blaine

Air/water constant pressure system

Anvil, Calibration

ASTM Grooving Tool

Augers, Prospecting Kit Manual Dutch Head Tools

Automatic Soil Compactor


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Balances Analytical, Dial, Electronic, Solution, Triple Beam

Balloon Density Apparatus

Bath, Circulating, Constant Temperature, Ultrasonic Cleaning

Bladder air-water system

Blaine Air Permeability Tester


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C.B.R. equipment

CBR Load Frame for Soils Testing Laboratory, Triaxial, Unconfined etc

Calcium Carbide

Calibration Weights

California Bearing Ratio

Calipers digital, vernier

Casagrande liquid limit test

Cell Consolidation, Hoek Triaxial, Rowe-Type Consolidation, Triaxial

Chapman Flask

Chart Paper, Recording Thermometers

Clegg impact soil tester

Circulating Pump

Circulating Water Bath P>Colloidal Mixer

Colour Chart

Combination Permeameter

Compaction Apparatus. Harvard Miniature, Box, Gyratory, Marshall, Proctor

Compaction Mould Holder

Compaction Mould, Soils

Compaction Pedestal

Mechanical Soil Compactor

Marshall Automatic Compactor

Comparator Rod, length, stand

Compressor Air

Consolidation apparatus, cells

Constant Head apparatus

Core cutters,extruders CBR and Proctor


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De-aired water apparatus

De-ionised water apparatus

Density Balloon apparatus

Dial gauge

Dial Thermometers

Dial-O-Gram Balance

Digital pH meter

Digital Platform Scales

Digital Pocket Thermometer

Distilled water still P>Drying Ovens infra-red, oven, shrinkage and moisture movement


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Extractor, Soils

Extruders Hoek, CBR, Proctor


[back to the top]

Falling head apparatus

Field Scale

Filter Paper

Filter Screen

Flask, Chapman

Flask, Le Chatelier

Flask shaker

Frame CBR, Consolidation

Furnace muffle


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Gauge dial

Glass Thermometers


Graduated Cylinders

Grooving Tools Casagrande and plastic

Guelph Permeameter

Gyratory Compactor


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Hammers, Soil Compaction

Hand boring and sampling tools

Hand vane tester

Hardness set, Mohrs scale

Harvard minature compaction apparatus

Hot Plates

Hydraulic Testing Screen

Hydrometers, Soil


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Impact soil tester Clegg

Infra Red Drying cabinet

In-sito CBR

Ion exchange apparatus


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Jack hydraulic

Jarring link sliding hammers


[back to the top]

Knife, Trimming


[back to the top]

Laboratory Ovens

Laboratory vane apparatus

Lids and receivers

Liquid Limit Equipment

Load Frame for Soils Testing Laboratory, Triaxial, Unconfined and CBR etc


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MOT straight edge

Mackintosh Prospecting Kit

Manometer, Low pressure

Manual compaction, asphalt, CBR, soils

Material Pan

Measures, Unit Weight

Mechanical Soil Compactor

Mechanical Test Press, CBR

Moisture Tester Speedy

Microwave ovens, industrial

Mixer, Automatic, manual, 5 or 10 litres

Mohs' scale of hardness

Moisture Condition Apparatus MCV BS1377 and Chalk Crushing Value

Moisture Conditioning Oven

Moisture Tester Speedy

Mossbauer Spectrometers

Mould Extractor

Mould Holder, Compaction

Mould Stripper

Moulds, Beam

Moulds, Compaction

Moulds, Proctor, shrinkage, three-gang, two-gang, Vicat

Moulds, Steel

Muffle Furnace


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Orbital Shaker

Organic Impurities Test Set

Ovens, fan, large capacity, loss on heating, Rolling thin film


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Pans, Sieve


Paper filter

Penetration, Automatic, CBR, needle

Penetrometer, concrete, Soils, pocket, Vicksberg

Permeameter, Combination,Guelph,

pH Meter


Plate, bearing test equipment

Platform Scales

Pocket Penetrometer

Pressure air/water assembly bladder type.

Proctor, compaction rammer, penetrometer

Prospecting Kit for Heterogeneous Soils - Mackintosh

Pumps, Vacuum



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Reagent Speedy

Readout units,digital for soils, Marshall, compression machines

Reciprocal shaker

Resistivity meter, soils and concrete

Rowe type consolidation cells


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Shakers, Sieve

Shearbox assembly,

Shinkage Limit apparatus

Sieve Brushes

Sieve Shaker

Sieves, ASTM etc stainless steel frame and mesh at "brass" prices

Soil Augers - Hand Auger for Hetergenous soils

Soil Auger heads, chemical tests,colour chart, Compaction Hammer

Soil Compactor, hydrometer, lathes resistivity, strength(triaxial)

Soil Compactor Automatic

Soils Penetrometer

Solution Balance


Speedy Calibration Kit

Speedy Moisture Reagent

Speedy Moisture Tester

Still, Manesty, solvent recovery

Stirrers and shakers

Strain gauges, Vibrating Wire

Strength (Triaxial) soil

Stress path cell in triaxial tests

Suction membrane device

Surcharge Weights


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Table, Flow

Table, Vibrating

Tamper, Cube Mold

Temperature Thermometers, ASTM, BS593, Dial, Digital, IP, Saybolt

Timing devices

Transducers,axial strain, consolidation, direct residual shear, pressure

Transducers, load, Marshall, ultrasonic,

Triaxial Apparatus, cell, accessories, stress path, readout units

Triaxial Load Frame for Soils Testing Laboratory, Unconfined and CBR etc

Triple Beam Balance


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Ultrasonic cleaning bath

Unconfined compression apparatus for soils


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Vacuum Pumps

Vane Apparatus, borer, hand, laboratory

Vernier Calipers, MCA

Vibrating Table <


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Water Bath

Weight Sets, Calibrated, individual and boxed sets

Wet Washing Sieves


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XY/t chart recorder



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Mastrad Limited, Victory House, Prospect Hill, Douglas, United Kingdom IM1 1EQ
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